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EFT -Emotional Freedom Technique  (Certified 2017)


While we tap on the meridian lines of our energetic bodies, we can disassociate an emotion from a traumatic event and/or core beliefs. It is a natural and effective self help tool for releasing pain, stress, fears, negative emotions, and inner critic beliefs. For example, abuse, deaths, disabilities, dis-ease, rape, abandonment etc.

For more information, hover over the Services button and click EFT Tapping 

Intuitive Healer

I am a vessel for the universe (GOD/Source/Universe) to use me to energetically help you and a holder of sacred space while intuitively finding scattered energy and bringing it back to neutral. I use my intuition with all my modalities. It is a natural part of me that will always be with me whether in session or not. 

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Gender Inclusive Facilitator Training Processing by Mankind Project (Certified 2020)

The Gender inclusive Facilitation Training (GIFT) is an MKP CANADA training process that as a facilitator, I assist you in going through process's, depending on the issues that are needed or wanted, to guide, process and heal through to get to the core issues to then transmute and be able to alchemize it and rise above the pain/issues.

For more information, hover over the Services button and click GIFT Processing

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The Emotion Code  (not certified yet 2022)

The Emotion Code was created by Dr. Bradley Nelson after more than 20 years as a holistic chiropractor and teacher. ​Your body can hold massive amounts of emotional trauma's and I can assist you by using muscle testing to uncover the unresolved physical, mental, emotional, spiritual pain/traumas that is blocking you from having a happier and healthier life. Call me to start living your best life now.

Millennium Method (Certified 2010)


Millennium Method consists of a few different principles. The main element being the decks of cards. Handmade beautifully designed cards that capture the essence of the morphic field being used for that protocol. The images help to stimulate the intuition and the right brain. Each module has its own individual deck. Each card has been downloaded with its own module or protocol from over 20 different modalities.  

For more information, hover over the Services button and click Millennium Method

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Yuen Method (Certified 2010)

Your body is best thought of as a biological computer. It is a miraculous piece of high tech equipment and it is time we started treated it as such. But when you buy a computer or any piece of equipment for that matter, it always comes with a manual. Something that gives you directions on what to do and how to do it. Because your body functions much like a computer, you are either on or off, or more specifically “strong or weak” to any given subject matter, person, or scenario in life. 


The Yuen Method shows you how to precisely identify your weaknesses and strengthen yourself accordingly, all without any type of physical contact. These collective weaknesses are the core cause of the differing types of problems we experience in life, whether they are physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, psychic, or psychological.

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